professor dr. Arun Prakash Mishra

professor dr. Arun Prakash Mishra
Welcome to world of professor dr. Arun Prakash Mishra
Curriculum Vitae
(as on 1 October 2020)
Professor & ex-Head
Hindi Languge and Litrature
(Voluntarily Retired)
USA: National
EU: Permanent Residence
Age                                         Date of Birth
65 years 00 Months                 5th October 1955 (official) – 3rd November 1955 (actual)
Address                                 Mobile Phone
539 Finnbar drive
CARY 27519 NC USA               +1-585-775-1175
Academic History
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., B.Ed.
B.A. (R.C.E.)        II             1975       Regional College of Education (NCERT), Bhopal University, Bhopal
B.Ed. (R.C.E.)      II             1976       Regional College of Education (NCERT), Bhopal University, Bhopal
M.A.                    I             1978       Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
M.Phil.                A             1979       Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Research topic: “Tulsidas ka Manavvad”
Ph.D.                 A             1984       Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Research Topic: “Kabir aur Tulsi ke vishesh sandarbh mein Kavya-Bhasha ka Samajik Addyayan”
Teaching History
38 Yrs 00 Months
S.R.F.              August 1979 – March 1981                1yr 8 mo                      Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Lecturer           March 1981 – July 1985                    4 yrs 4 mo                   Gauhati University, Guwahati
Lecture            July 1985 – December 1988              3 yrs 5 mo                   Sardar Patel University, V. V. Nagar
Reader            January 1989 – March 2002               13 yrs 2 mo                 Sardar Patel University, V. V. Nagar
Professor         March 2002 – December 2011           8 yrs 8 mo                   Sardar Patel University, V. V. Nagar
Professor         August 2012 – October 2012            00yrs 3 mo                  Ljubljana University, Ljubljana
Visiting Associate Professor (ICCR), University of Guyana, July 1990 to June 1993, Gtown, Guyana
Visiting Professor (ICCR) University of Ljubljana, November 2009 to July 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Visiting Professor (ICCR) University of Ljubljana, March 2012 to July 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Visiting Professor (ICCR) University of Ljubljana, November 2012 to July 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Professor         October 2013 – Septeember 2018    5 yrs 0 mo                   Ljubljana University, Ljubljana
Research Guidance Experience        Research Experience
31 Yrs 10 Months                                5 Yrs 6 Months
Ph.D. students produced                 M.Phil. students produced
14                                                    41
Books Published                              Books under Publication
17                                                   08
Own Authorship – 6                          Own Authorship – 3
Contributions – 8                             Contributions – 4
Edited – 3                                       Edited – 1
Research projects completed             Research Paper Published     Paper under Publication        Books under Preparation
03                                                       50                                           14                                           10
U.G.C. (Minor)                                                                                                                                   Own Authorship – 10
Seminar, Conferences Attended        Refresher Course (Resource Person)
45+10=55                                           08
International (Abroad) – 10
National – 37
professor dr. Arun Prakash Mishra, ph.d.

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